Art Direction, Design, Illustration + Fine Art
Welcome to my portfolio. I am thrilled you’ve come to visit my showcase of work that I’ve compiled over the years, which includes a combination of collaborations, commissioned work and personal projects. Take a look and feel free to get in touch if you’d like to discuss potential opportunities to work together.

Art Director, Designer, Illustrator + Fine Artist
I enjoy solving problems, enhancing experiences + telling stories. As a passionate + motivated professional, I’m constantly striving to improve my techniques, expand my skillset + find new opportunities to grow my visual expertise. With over 20 years of experience I bring all of my skills together to make a project impactful, valuable + successful.
Nicola Cunneen
Art Director, Designer, Illustrator + Fine Artist
Interested in learning more about my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Reach out today.